Detail & Artist Brushes

About Detail & Artist Brushes
Artist brushes used in the industrial realm, also known as detail brushes, are versatile and durable for fine detailing, stenciling, applying adhesives, labeling, cleaning and painting on parts with oils and acrylics. From flat and fine tip to fan and lacquering styles, we have a brush to meet all your industrial touch up and finishing needs.
Artist brushes are ideal for key industries such as:
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- Military & Defense
- Metalworking
- Detailing on commercial and industrial equipment
- Graphic design on industrial equipment
- Touch-ups and reconditioning industrial equipment
- Any industrial application that needs detailing or touch up

Tanis offers a variety of flat artist and laquering brushes such as Taklon White Artist Brushes, Gold Nylon Flat Artist Brushes, and Camel Hair Flat Laquering Brushes. These brushes work well with acrylics, excel on touch ups and deliver an even flow on precision parts.
Red Sable and White Bristle Brushes
If you’re looking to do touch up work with heavy paints, oils or acrylics, or general marking on parts, you’ll find Tanis offers a variety of durable brushes to get the job done -- Red Sable Marking Brushes, White Bristle Marking Brushes, Fine White Bristle Stencil Brushes and White Bristle Fan Marking Brushes.

Fitch Brushes, Black Sable and Pony Hair Brushes
When the details matter, look no further than a Tanis stencil or detail brush to deliver refined strokes. Brush offering includes Black Bristle Fitch Brushes, Black Sable Ox Hair Stroke Brushes and Pony Hair Detail Brushes.
Artist Brush Filaments

Red Sable

Black Sable

White Taklon

Gold Nylon

Camel Hair

White & Black Bristle

Ox Hair

Pony Hair

Tanis Brush Brochure
Tanis brush Overview Brochure